Doctors told how alcohol affects coronavirus

Doctors of the narcological dispensary of Yakutia told how alcohol affects coronavirus.So, according to the words of

specialists, in the current epidemiological situation, the right decision would be to abandon thealcohol consumption, since it not only does not prevent coronavirus infection, but on the contrary, aggravatesSituation.

”Coronavirus spreads rapidly byto the whole world. And while some people unquestioningly follow WHO recommendations in order to protect themselves and their loved ones, others, in order to avoid a collision with the virus, start drinking alcohol. For many, the myth “alcohol will save from coronavirus” acts like a spell, ”experts of the Yakut Republican Narcological Dispensary shared.

Doctors noted that alcohol can not protect fromcoronavirus, and will only have a negative effect on it. So, drinking alcohol can trigger a number of health problems, including increased blood pressure, stroke, numerous cancers, and more. In addition, alcohol can lower immunity, which will make the body more vulnerable to infection.