Does a person have the ability to regenerate

The hero of the Doctor Who series has the ability to fully regenerate. That is, every time he dies,

his cells are completely renewed and as a result a new personality is created. Is there something similar in humans? An expert from BBC Science Focus Magazine talks. Discuss

The ability to be reborn into another person whenregeneration is still somewhat fantastic, notes author Stephen Kelly. But the very principles of regeneration (that is, an increase in life expectancy, regrowth of limbs) is quite real and in the future can be realized for a person in life. In addition, there are already similar examples in the animal kingdom.

Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, molecular biologistfrom the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas, cites the regenerative capabilities of flatworms as an example. They can regrow their body parts even if they are cut into pieces. More examples – growing antlers by deer, restoring skin by a prickly mouse, etc. Scientists are still looking for answers to questions about why some animals are able to restore body parts, but humans are not, which leads to the development of this ability in an animal.

In fact, a person is also capable of restoringsome parts of your body. This is the liver, the circulatory system. There are even cases where people have grown back the tips of severed fingers. This means that we once had the ability to regenerate, but why was it lost – unknown.

Our "molecular toolkit" is practicallyidentical to the "instrumentation" of vertebrates, capable of restoring body parts. This means that it should be possible to create agents that stimulate tissues to regenerate on their own. According to Alvarado, we will see similar developments within the next 30-40 years.

Source: BBC Science Focus Magazine