Elon Musk's company plans to start implanting a chip in the human brain by the end of 2021

A little earlier it became known that Elon Musk’s Neuralink company implanted a chip in the head of a monkey for playing

video games. Now Musk spoke about the company’s plans to introduce a computer chip into the human brain.

The head of Neuralink Elon Musk said this onhis Twitter page in response to a follower request. So, the user informed Elon Musk that he had a car accident 20 years ago and remained paralyzed since then, and therefore is always ready to take part in clinical studies of Neuralink.

"Neuralink makes every effort to provideimplant safety, and is in close contact with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). If all goes well, we will be able to conduct the first human trials later this year,” – Elon Musk replied to a subscriber.