Epic Games Store is giving away an improved Metro: 2033 and Everything, a game about everything in the world

Another week is over, which means a new giveaway of free games has started on the Epic Games Store.

What is known

This week the epics are being given away by Metro: 2033 Redux and Everything.

In Metro:2033 Redux A nuclear bomb fell on the earth, throwing humanity back into dark times. In all directions, Moscow residents hid in the metro, where they spent 20 years building a new society. Now the inhabitants of the subway are in danger, and the main character named Artem will have to dive headlong into the problems and save the survivors.

But Everything positions itself as a “simulatorreality”, in which the player can become either a hare or an entire galaxy. The game is a procedurally generated, artificial intelligence-based simulation of natural systems that we observe from the point of view of everything that is in the Universe. The project received 80 points from Metacritic journalists, which means it’s worth evaluating.

Metro: 2033 Redux and Everything will be available for free on the Epic Games Store until October 3rd. In addition, the store organized a promotion with discounts on Metro series games.