Five of the worst foods you can take to the beach

The worst foods to take on a picnic, according to Eat This, Not That! – these are the ones that lead to

dehydration. There are five varieties in total. Discuss

The Mayo Clinic notes thatDehydration occurs when a person's body excretes more fluid than it takes in. One study published in Nutrients showed that young adults who eat the most salt do not get enough water.

Here are some foods to avoid to avoid dehydration in hot summer weather.

  1. Meat delicacies. These snacks are high in sodium. For example, an average serving of honey ham can contain 500 ml of sodium or even more.

  2. Salty chips. Instead, choose fruit. Another option – chopped vegetables that can be dipped in hummus or guacamole.

  1. fried foods. These foods are also high in sodium. In addition, they are high in fat, which means (according to a study published in Nutrients) that they can cause daytime sleepiness.

  2. Sweet drinks. Medical News Today explains that whena person consumes sugar, the body tries to absorb it and uses more water for this. Because of this, you may need to go to the toilet more often than usual. Also, because of sugary drinks, blood sugar will skyrocket and fall just as quickly, and this will lead to a feeling of sluggishness during the day.

  3. Hot dishes. It has more to do with common sense. Instead of taking reheated meals to the beach, it is better to choose something that can be stored in the refrigerator.

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