For the first time, a planet with tectonic activity was found outside the solar system

On Earth, plate tectonics is responsible for more than just mountain rises and earthquakes. This is also an important part of the cycle,

which transports material from the interior of the planet tosurface and into the atmosphere, and then back under the earth's crust. Thus, tectonics has a vital influence on the conditions that ultimately make the Earth habitable.

Until now, researchers have not foundevidence of global tectonic activity on planets outside the solar system. Recently, however, a team of researchers led by Tobias Meyer at the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) found evidence of streams inside the planet LHS 3844b. It is located 45 light years from Earth. The results are published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

"Observe signs of tectonic activityvery difficult because they are usually hidden under the atmosphere, ”explains Meyer. However, recent results have shown that LHS 3844b probably has no atmosphere at all. This rocky world, which is slightly larger than Earth, revolves very closely around its star. Because of this, one side of the planet is in constant daylight and the other side is in constant night. Likewise, the same side of the moon always faces the earth. However, the "dark" half is illuminated by bright volcanic eruptions.

Due to the lack of an atmosphere protecting the planet from intense radiation, its surface reaches 800 °C. The night side freezes. Temperatures here can drop below –250°C.

Scientists have suggested that such a sharp temperature contrast could affect the flow of material inside the planet.

To test their theory, the team rancomputer modeling with different material strength and internal sources of heat - heat from the planet's core and decay of radioactive elements. The simulations included the large surface temperature contrast created by the host star.

Most simulations showed that oneon the side of the planet there was only an upward current, and on the other - a downward one. Thus, material flowed from one hemisphere to another. Surprisingly, the direction was not always the same. Scientists expected that material on the hot daytime side would be lighter and therefore flow upward and vice versa. However, the simulation also showed a reverse flow direction.

Such a flow of matter could have strange consequences. You can imagine half of the planet with countless volcanoes - the volcanic hemisphere - and one almost without them.

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