For the first time in Russia, a forest can become private property

Let us recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the adoption of a document on the status of forests on such lands back in 2013.

Environmentalists have repeatedly called for this.According to their estimates, the total area of ​​territories in need of such regulation is about 100 million hectares, or about 10% of all forests in Russia. We are talking about farmland that, not being used for its intended purpose for years, is overgrown with forest.

We are talking about farmland, which is notbeing used for their intended purpose for years, they become overgrown with forest. However, according to all documents, there should be no forests in these areas. These forests have no legal status: there is no possibility of legally conducting productive forestry in them, and protection from fires, pests, diseases and forest violations is not provided for by law.

At the same time, the owners of the sites for the very factthe existence of such forests on their lands (the use of the site for other purposes) may be subject to a fine of up to 700 thousand rubles, as well as the forced confiscation of territories. To avoid problems, landowners burn vegetation, which often leads to fires.

Thus, the monopoly is broken for the first timestate on forest growing, points out the expert of "Greenpeace Russia" Alexei Yaroshenko. The forest on the lands of the settlements can still be private, the expert says, however, its volumes are minimal and there is no possibility to sell timber on an industrial scale.

Within two years from the date of entryof the resolution, in force or from the date of registration of the right to the site, the owners can send a notification of how they intend to use the forest to the regional Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor and Rosreestr. Ecologists conceptually support the document and call it “the first long-awaited step”, but point out the need for improvement.  Ecologists do not rule out the emergence of unscrupulous users who will cut down the grown forest and abandon the land.

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