Former top manager of Qualcomm accused of money laundering and fraud

Information has appeared on the Internet about a fresh accusation of fraud and money laundering published by

by the US Attorney's Office. The defendant is former Qualcomm vice president of research Karim Arabi.

According to the prosecution, Arabi, along with three accomplices, forced Qualcomm to pay $ 150 million for technology that it could already own at that time.

The scheme was quite simple:a man, being an employee of an IT giant, invented a new technology for testing microprocessors. At the same time, he kept silent about this, presenting a certain graduate student from Canada as the author of the development. Her role was played by sister Arabi.

Given that the man worked at Qualcomm at the timetechnology, it was legally required to belong to the company. Therefore, the fact that a corporation paid for the technology is fraudulent. At the same time, all three defendants can also be punished for money laundering through the purchase of real estate and interest-free loans.