Found a species that almost does not age: this requires special conditions

Scientists have found that turtles age very slowly, and in captivity, without the stress associated with searching for food and

By avoiding predators, this process slows down significantly. The results of the study were published in the journal Science.

“This is very exciting,” said the presenterstudy author Rita de Silva. — As modern people, we tend to live in really good conditions, so the environment for us is close to ideal. And yet we cannot slow down the rate of our aging.”

During the work, biologists studied 52 species of turtles fromzoos and aquariums, as well as those that live in their natural habitat. It turned out that 75% of the experimental subjects almost do not age, and in 80% the fading occurs much more slowly than in modern people.

Those individuals kept in captivity livelonger than turtles in the wild. However, experts emphasized that this aging mechanism does not mean that turtles are immortal. This only indicates that the risk of death does not increase with age, “but is still greater than zero.”

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