Futuristic carriages purify the air across the country as the train moves

The American railway startup CO2 Rail has developed a design for a train car that captures carbon from

air. Under the plan, the modified railcars would criss-cross the country, negating the need for large permanent CO₂ removal facilities, the press release said.

A train carriage in action. Image: CO2 Rail Company

Researchers plan to usebuilt railway cars equipped with large vents where air will enter when the train moves at high speeds. The system will operate on the move, so there is no need for fans that are typically installed in fixed direct carbon capture systems. This will save a lot of energy.

Car design for direct air capture.  Image: CO2 Rail Company

The wagons of the futuristic train will be equipped withchambers to collect carbon dioxide, which will then be concentrated and stored in a liquid tank. Air that does not contain carbon dioxide will be emitted back into the atmosphere from the rear or bottom of the car.

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