Google Maps will receive more detailed street information and new map colors with the update

Google has been adding a lot of new features to the Maps app over the past few years. Mostly,

These were new features, but now the company has decided to update the cards themselves.

What is known

In an upcoming app update, Googlewill change the colors of the maps and make them more detailed using special mapping algorithms. In this way, the company will highlight the main geographical features of the locations. Lakes, rivers and oceans will be blue, beaches and deserts will be yellow-brown, and forests, fields and jungles will be green (with different shades). According to Google, such changes will be noticeable even on the map of large cities and small villages.

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Another innovation will be more accuratestreet information. Sidewalks, pedestrian islands with precise scales, and much more will appear on the maps. First, this change will be added to the map of the streets of London, New York and San Francisco, and then other cities.

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