Google will stop tracking users using cookies

A representative of Google announced the creation of FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) technology: it will allow you to abandon

Cookie-based advertising targeting. It is argued that FLoC will increase the privacy of surfing and will avoid the collection of personal data from users.

Growing Fear of Location Trackingwith cookies prompted the company to support internet rights legislation and develop a way to effectively target advertising without collecting all available user information. 

The essence of the technology is that the selection of advertisingFLoC ads do not require access to the data of a specific user, but brings people with similar interests into groups. Thus, a group of users sees the advertisement.

In addition, using FLoC will help fight fraudulent advertising traffic.

Google announced the technology in 2019.Testing will be carried out in 2021. The date of implementation of the technology is still unknown, because the company has not yet solved legal issues. Testing will take place on Chrome.

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