Historic moment: US iPhone share surpasses 50%

Although the iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world, the lion's share of the market has always been occupied by numerous

Android manufacturers.However, this year Apple reached an important milestone in its home market: the company overtook the guard of Android devices, occupying more than 50% of the US market in the second quarter of 2022. This is the highest iPhone share since its launch in 2007. Moreover, we are not talking about sales, which tend to fluctuate from quarter to quarter, but directly about the base of active, regularly used devices in the country.

It is intended to visualize the dynamics in the US marketshow a graph showing that Apple's share was only 35% just 3.5 years ago. Such a rapid outflow of Android users in favor of iOS is an alarm bell for Google, “green robot” which in recent years has stagnated rather than developed. However, outside the US, the popularity of Android is still noticeably higher than the iPhone, which, alas, will allow the “good corporation” It will take a long time to release minor OS updates and bug-ridden Pixel devices.

    © Vladimir Kovalev.

    Based on materials ft.com | counterpointresearch.com