How Added Sugar Hurts the Entire Body

Many people believe that in order to lower blood cholesterol levels, you just need to avoid foods that

which contain a lot of cholesterol. But this is not always the case. It also depends on the diet as a whole. Discuss

It is known that if a person eats a lot of foods withadded sugar (donuts, sweets, etc.), it can affect the level of cholesterol in his body. MD, MD, and nutritionist Trista Best notes that by reducing the amount of added sugar in the diet, cholesterol levels can be improved.

The fact is that added sugar can cause inflammation, lower the level of "good" cholesterol and increase the amount of triglycerides (fat in the blood).

A study published in the JournalAmerican Heart Association found that those who drank sugary sodas (0.33 ml, or 12 ounces) every day were more likely to experience high levels of triglycerides in the blood and low levels of "good" cholesterol in the future.

At the same time, nutrition expert and founder of ToThe Pointe Nutrition Rachel Fine says you can't cut out foods with added sugars entirely. Instead, try to include as many healthy foods as you can, such as avocados and olive oil, which lower "bad" cholesterol and help increase "good" cholesterol.

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