How artificial intelligence was created and how it developed

Intelligence, according to one definition, is “the ability to perceive information and

store it as knowledge for constructing adaptive behavior in an environment or context.” And, as you can see, there is no mention of consciousness here. Discuss

In general, if we talk about programmable machines andabout artificial intelligence, they themselves were created in the 20th century. But the ideas associated with them appeared in ancient Greece. For example, the artificial woman created by Zeus fits the concept of artificial intelligence.

There are also differences between the algorithm andartificial intelligence. The main one is that intelligence is characterized by adaptive behavior, that is, it can change depending on various factors and, in general, approaches the solution of a problem unpredictably.

Created the first model of artificial intelligenceAlan Turing. We managed to understand this thanks to a simple test. For this, a person had to communicate with one person and with one computer. And the purpose of the computer program was to mislead this person.

In the late 1950s, Frank Rosenblatt developed the first neural network. And this neural network could learn, that is, it was a real artificial intelligence.

Then in 1997, for the first time, a computer was able to beat world champion Garry Kasparov in a game of chess.

Then in 2011, Google – a large-scale neural network that is capable of processing pictures and creating others based on them.

What exactly is a neural network?This is an artificial intelligence that functions on the same principle as the human brain. That is, it is a neural network where data is constantly processed, changed, and as a result, the network is trained, new connections or neurons are created in it.