How cold showers are bad for your health

Cardiologist, cardiovascular surgeon, general practitioner Vladimir Khoroshev explained why long-term

Cold showers are bad for your health. Discuss

The doctor warned that being under colda shower is possible only for people without a number of chronic heart diseases, atherosclerotic problems. Otherwise, bathing water must be heated.

But even healthy people need to shower fromwarm water, or bathe in heated, but not cold: this is fraught with hypothermia and even intoxication of the body, affecting the vital organs. Moreover, you can swim in cold water for no more than 3-4 minutes.

The same goes for washing your hair with cold water.In addition to the indicated problems, the head cannot be washed normally in cold water, even with the use of detergents. In addition, this will lead to a weakening of local immunity and increase vulnerability to infections such as influenza, SARS and the like.

“The bulk of all vessels in our body areThese are capillaries of different levels. If a person is forced to wash with cold water for a long time, then this leads to powerful capillary spasm and impoverishment of capillary flow, especially in soft tissues, starting with subcutaneous tissue. The longer we stand under a cold shower, the more serious the cold injury: prolonged capillary spasm leads to oxygen starvation, there is a supersaturation of soft tissues with under-oxidized products. All this leads to powerful intoxication and affects vital organs: the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, ”Khoroshev warned.

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