How COVID is affecting dental and gum health

Doctor, dentist-therapist Natalya Kadkalova told Izvestia journalists how coronavirus

COVID-19 infection may affect the health of teeth and gums. Discuss

“The main thing that the coronavirus affects ismicrocirculation in the gums. In this regard, there is a massive flow of patients with stomatitis, this has never happened before. The most interesting thing is that the treatment of these stomatitis takes much longer than in patients who have not had COVID-19, ”the publication reports the words of the doctor.

The specialist said that in patients whosuffered COVID-19, gums after tooth extraction surgery heal longer. As a rule, it takes 5-6 days, but for those who have been ill, this period can be delayed up to 10-14 days.

The doctor advised everyone who had COVID-19 to be careful about oral hygiene.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.

Source: Izvestia