How frequent use of social networks affects the human psyche: the verdict of scientists

Life reported on the results of a recent study by Australian scientists.

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According to the Journal of Global Information Management, scientists from the University of Technology Sydney analyzed about 50 scientific articles on the impact of social networks on humans.As a result, the researchers divided all the consequences into six categories: "social interaction problems," "annoying content," "privacy issues," "security threats," "cyberbullying," and "poor performance."In total, they got 46 points, including a feeling of panic, irritation, stress, depression, guilt, loneliness, etc.

The Australian researchers also hope that the results obtained will make it possible to develop a strategy to reduce the harmful impact of social networks on humans.Another option to combat the negative impact of services such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok isBecome new apps that alert the user when they've spent too much time scrolling through the feed or refreshing the page.

The author of the article also recalled that the first social networks appeared in the 1990s (Classmates) and early 2000s (LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook).The total number of social media users is now more than 4.5 billion.