How plastic affects the cells of the human body

The smaller the plastic particles, the easier they penetrate human cells. Also the impact of these particles

associated with their chemical properties, surface, shape. This conclusion was reached by experts from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Discuss

In a scientific article published in the journal"Microplastics and nanoplastics", it is said that the effect of nano- and microplastics on human cells depends on several factors. These are the shape, chemical properties and surface features of the plastic.

In general, people regularly inhale or swallowsmall plastic particles along with air or food/drinks. These particles enter the environment, for example, from clothing, from worn car tires, etc.

It is believed that microplastics do not have such a serious effect on health. Its size is from 1 micrometer to 5 millimeters, so it is not digested and is mostly excreted from the body.

But smaller types of plastic, nano- and submicroplastics, can range in size from 1 nanometer to 1000 nanometers. Scientists have not yet found out exactly whether they can enter the body and in what quantities.

A team of specialists studied how submicron andnanoplastic particles affect the state of the human liver and small intestine. To obtain all the necessary information, the experts used different methods of testing and microscopy.

It turned out that the smaller the particle size, themore strongly they are absorbed by cells. At the same time, the cells of the small intestine are able to become a barrier between the intestines and the rest of the body, so microplastics leaked into these cells, but in small quantities. In addition, many submicroplastic particles were found in the cells of the liver and intestines.

At the moment, scientists are figuring out how particlesplastics can affect cell function. There is a possibility that these particles are able to carry harmful substances into the cell, and submicroplastics and nanoplastics can cause inflammation.

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