How to burn fat by doing daily activities

Getting rid of excess calories is not as difficult as you might think. Fitness trainers say that for this

a person does not even need to go to the gym or do physical exercise. Everything he needs – Don't forget about your daily routine. Discuss

Fitness experts from BarBend along with trainersEliza Flynn and Anthony Myatt found out what types of daily activities are best for getting rid of extra pounds. In fact, even digesting food or simply standing still can burn calories. In general, a person, according to Eliza Flynn, can get rid of 2,100 calories per month thanks to routine activities.

Experts have found that a person whose weight is 70 kg, in just 20 minuteswashing dishes standingcan burn up to 44 calories. To make the effect stronger, when washing dishes, try to clean them with more vigorous movements.

If you are within 20 minutescarry grocery bags, you can burn 61 calories.

After 20 minutespainting, cleaning the house or decorating ityou'll save 81 calories. Such activities also include ironing, hanging clothes, and using a vacuum cleaner.

Gardeningalso has its benefits for weight loss. Even just planting seeds for 20 minutes can burn over 100 calories. Planting flowers, mowing the lawn, etc. also helps.

If you have an abilitywalk to work, you should definitely use it. This will also get rid of excess fat.

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