How to enable dark mode on iPhone and iPad using smart inversion mode on iOS 11

Among the others, the smart inversion function is currently the closest to creating the Dark Mode effect

on iPhone, iPad and iPod.This is a new feature on iOS 11 and above that allows the operating system to change the colors of the interface while maintaining the default look and color of content like your photos, App Store designs, and more.

Smart inversion is smart enough not to change the color of your wallpaper. However, the color of the dock, the status of the bar and other parts of the interface will change.

iOS will try with all its might to determine content whose color does not need to be changed, but don’t hope for a miracle.

Smart inversion will change the colors of the web pages in Safari along with all the images and text, as well as the album covers in the application with music. And it looks not so.

On the other hand, this mod will show itself much better in Settings, Messages and other standard applications. In the Watch and Activity applications, the smart inversion function will leave them and so a dark interface.

Before you start, it is worth noting once again that smart iversion requires iOS 11 or higher.

In older iOS, only the classic mod is available, which inverts the colors of the entire display for visually impaired users.

How to activate smart inversion oniphone AndiPad

one)OpenSettingson your device.

2)Go toMain.

3)Then inUniversal access.

four)Find a sectionVisionand select itemDisplay adaptation.

five)ClickInversion colors.

6)Turn onSmart inversionto activate the mode.

The description says: "The function" Smart color inversion "reverses the display colors, except for using dark colors of images, media files and some programs."

NOTE:Activating smart inversion will disable night mode.

To turn off smart inversion, simply click on the same button.

The old color inversion option has been preserved, but now it is called “Classic inversion”. This mode still changes all display colors, including images and other media files.

As mentioned earlier, the smart inversion mode is not perfect.

It's best to experiment with it inversion to see how it works in your favorite apps. To activate smart inversion mode faster, make it available by triple-clicking the Home button:SettingsBasicUniversal access → Keyboard shortcut.

Screenshots made in smart inversion mode will be displayed in normal colors.

Like Night Mode, this option will not affect the processing of your screenshots.