How to get rid of post-COVID cough

Doctor Olga Malinovskaya spoke about a way to get rid of post-Covid


She noted that at least 5% of people who have recovered from coronavirus suffer from an unproductive cough that may not go away for more than a month. Drinking plenty of water will help get rid of this condition.

You need to drink tea, water, fruit drinks - the way thatwill help. A doctor should be consulted if a high fever and chest pain are associated with a cough. It is worth being examined if the cough seriously affects the quality of life.

“There is no single scheme for dealing with a prolonged cough, butsome may not need therapy at all. One of the effective and safe ways to alleviate your condition will be drinking plenty of water - water, tea, fruit drinks will help you recover faster, but holding back your cough with all your might and trying not to cough is not the best idea, ”the specialist recommended.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.