How to install the public version of iPadOS if you have iPadOS Beta?

You have a beta version of iPadOS installed and don’t know how to install a public version of iPadOS?

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By the way, you can download and install the final version of iPadOS now.

If you now have a beta version of iPadOS installed, you will not receive the final version as an update by air. A beta profile is installed on your iPad, which means you will receive only beta versions.

To install the public version of iPadOS, you need to remove the beta profile from the device.

How to remove iPadOS beta profile

Step 1:Go toSettings > General.

Step 2:Scroll down to sectionProfilesand select her.

Step 3:Select profileiOS Beta.

Step 4:ClickDelete profileand then enter your password and confirm the deletion of the profile.

Once you remove the iPadOS beta profile, restart your iPad, go toSettings &gt; Basic &gt; Software Updateand download the public version of iPadOS.