How to protect your ears from infection when you swim in the summer

If you are going to swim a lot this summer, then be aware that you run the risk of catching otitis media, or, in other words,

"swimmer's ear" Dr. Hongzhao Ji from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas explained how to avoid this. Discuss

Dr. Hongzhao Ji, Associate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, emphasizes that the most effective way to avoid ear infections – This is to protect your ears from water getting into them.

If water has already entered the ear, removing it may help. However, for this you need to use not a cotton swab, but special ear drops.

In general, any person who has water in his ears can earn otitis externa. However, the risk is higher if the water is not chlorinated: for example, if you swam in a river or lake.

In addition, when swimming in lake water, you can catch infections such as meningitis, hepatitis, brain-eating amoeba.

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