How to Quickly Know if You're Drinking Enough Water

If the temperature rises above 30 degrees, it is very important not to forget to drink enough water.

But how do you check if your body is getting enough fluids?

According to Laura Tiittanen, a physician at Kuopio University Hospital, it is difficult to give universal recommendations on how much water you should drink per day.The main thing is not to forget to drink water and food.large amounts of alcohol and coffee, as they remove fluid from the body.

At the same time, in hot weather, as notedspecialist, you need to drink not only plain water, but also other liquids. For example, juice, mineral water, sports drinks. They contain sugar and salt, which means that the water-salt balance in the body will not be disturbed.

So how do you know if you're drinking too little water a day?The doctor says that to do this, you need to pay attention to whether you go to the toilet often.If you notice that your urination has become infrequent (less frequent than usual) and the colorIf the urine is darker, it may indicate dehydration.If you have never gone to urinate, then this is also an alarming sign - you need to urgently consult a specialist.Other symptoms of dehydration include fatigue and headache.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.