How to use System Preferences on Mac? [FOR NEWBIES]

After purchasing a new Mac, the first thing you need to do is learn how to manage the system. macOS has many settings and

options, and they are all located in System Preferences.

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If you haven’t yet viewed the System Preferences of your Mac, with this instruction you will be much easier.

How to open System Preferences

There are several ways to open System Preferences, and you can use the one that seems most convenient to you.

  • ClickSystem settingsin Dock.
  • SelectSystem settingsin Launchpad.
  • From the menu bar, selectApple&gt;System settings.
  • Tell Siri to run System Preferences.
  • Enter "System Preferences" in the Spotlight search.

System Settings Elements

When the System Preferences window opens, you will see about 30 sections. You can open any of them to access options. In addition, there are other options in System Preferences.



  • Search: Use the search bar to quickly find the specific sections you need.
  • List / Grid Display: Hold the grid icon at the top of the window so that the display switches to the list. You can also show all sections of settings at once.
  • Forward / back arrows: When you select a section of System Preferences, you can use these arrows to go back or go forward.
  • Customization: When sections are displayed as a list, click the customization button below. After that, you can uncheck the boxes next to the sections that you do not need.

System Preferences and Menu Bar

When the System Preferences window is open, you can also perform actions through the menu bar, namely the “View” menu.

Above are options back, forward, show everything, search, etc. The options correspond to the buttons in the System Preferences window itself.

You can sort the sections into categories (this is the default option) or in alphabetical order.

After all these options, a complete list of the System Settings sections is displayed.




System Settings Sections

There are about 30 sections in System Preferences. The meaning of some is obvious, others not. For example, to configure the keyboard there is a section of the Keyboard. Below we will briefly talk about the meaning of all sections.



  1. Universal access: Vision, hearing, media, etc.
  2. Bluetooth: Turn on and off, connect accessories.
  3. date and time: Date, time, time zone and clock settings.
  4. Desktop and Screensaver: Select and configure the wallpaper, as well as the computer screensaver.
  5. Monitors: Set up the screen, its colors and night mode.
  6. Dock: Adjusts the size, magnification, position and effects of the Dock.
  7. Energy saving: Sleep, attenuation, and other settings to save power.
  8. Extensions: Manage Apple and third-party extensions.
  9. Main: Basic settings for appearance, size of icons, scrolling indicators, browser, etc.
  10. iCloud: Manage iCloud options.
  11. Uch.records Of the Internet: Manage accounts for Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Messages, etc.
  12. Keyboard: Settings for keyboard, keyboard shortcuts, input sources, dictation, etc.
  13. Language and Region: Manage language, region, first day of the week, time and temperature format.
  14. Mission Control: Mission Control settings, such as sizes, program switching, etc.
  15. Mouse: Settings for external mice.
  16. Network: Manage Wi-Fi and other networks.
  17. Notifications: Settings for notifications from programs, management of the Do Not Disturb mode and the Notification Center.
  18. Parental control: Manage Parental Control settings.
  19. Printers and scanners: Configure and manage printers and scanners.
  20. Protection and safety: Manage security options.
  21. General access: Manage sharing settings for different elements of the system.
  22. Siri: Siri settings, including voice, language, etc.
  23. Software Update: Check for macOS updates.
  24. Sound: Setting sound effects, volume, etc.
  25. Spotlight: Select programs and services available through Spotlight Search.
  26. Boot volume: Manage the boot volume of the computer.
  27. Time Machine: Time Machine backup management.
  28. Trackpad: Trackpad settings.
  29. Users and groups: Set up and manage Mac accounts.

Locked System Preferences

Maybe when you try to change somesettings, you will notice a small lock icon in the lower left corner of the window. It is displayed only in some sections of System Preferences, including Users and Groups, Parental Control, etc.

This icon means that the settings are protected fromrandom change. To change them, you will need to enter your username and password. After completing the settings change, they will need to be blocked again.

We hope you found this article useful! Now you should be much easier to use the System Preferences of your Mac.