Huawei CEO said why the operating system was called HarmonyOS

Recently, the Chinese company Huawei introduced its own operating system HarmonyOS and its first device

On it is an Honor Vision TV. After this, Huawei Consumer Business Group CEO Yu Chengdong explained why the OS received this name.

Why HarmonyOS?

After it became known that Huaweiis preparing its own operating system; several variants of its name have been announced on the Internet: Ark OS, Oak OS and the most common - HongMeng OS. However, the result was HarmonyOS.

In Chinese, HongMeng means “opening of the earth”the closest word in meaning is genesis (beginning). However, for users who live outside of China, this word is difficult to pronounce. Therefore, we decided to go with HarmonyOS.

“HongMeng translated from Chinese sounds approximatelyas the “discovery of the earth.” It's too difficult to pronounce HongMeng in Chinese. We named the system Harmony to bring more peace to the world,” Yu Chengdong explained.

More than 4 thousand people worked on the operating system, which is why it appeared on the market so quickly.