Huge whale with severe scoliosis filmed in Spain

At the beginning of March, a fin whale was spotted in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain, which was struggling to move along the

water. Researchers initially assumed that the animal had become entangled in a net, but it turned out that problems with movement were associated with a severe form of scoliosis.

Biologists and veterinarians from the Oceanographic Foundationin Valencia (Fundación Oceanogràfic de València) studied a 17-meter whale using drones. The analysis showed a strong curvature of the animal's body: drone footage shows a sharp curvature of the spine approximately in the center of the body.

Fin whale off the coast of Spain. Video: Oceanogràfic Valencia Official

Researchers believe it's a curvatureis a scoliosis of unknown origin that has altered the natural anatomy of the animal. Due to the size of the whale, being in the open sea and its malformations, researchers have not yet been able to install a remote tracker to obtain more detailed data on its condition and trajectory.

After several hours spent near the coast,the whale headed out to sea and disappeared from observers. Researchers believe that due to limited travel options, he may return to the area again. 

Scoliosis among whales is quite rare, scientists say, and it is not yet clear what it can be associated with. One of the versions: damage to the spine due to a collision with the ship.

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