Hypersonic train system tested in China

Researchers from Northern University of China have successfully completed testing of a high-speed system

trains like Hyperloop. The installation runs the trains under low vacuum conditions inside the tube. During the test, the maglev train reportedly moved at speeds of up to 130 km/h.

Tests were carried out on the Datong line2 km long, built in the Shanxi province in northern China. The Low Vacuum High-Speed ​​Maglev Vehicle Research Laboratory was established by the North University of China in cooperation with the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.

After the success of the preliminary testthe laboratory will begin construction of a full-scale 60 km route. Construction is expected to take place in three stages, which will be launched as soon as they are ready. After completing the entire route, the researchers will be able to test the movement of trains at speeds up to 1,000 km/h.

A similar technology - Hyperloop activelypopularized and promoted by Elon Musk. But his project was not brought to commercial implementation. Virgin Hyperloop continued to develop Musk's idea, but said it would focus only on freight.

Earlier, Hi-Tech talked about how magnetic levitation transport technologies are being developed in different countries.

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