IBM released Qiskit – quantum computer modules for training neural networks

IBM released Qiskit – a set of modules for quantum computers, included in the set of “quantum” software with open

source code and hardware for faster andprecision machine learning. According to the company, the release of new products for quantum computers will attract more amateurs and specialists to work with new technologies.

IBM Commentary

“Quantum computing opens up the broadest possibleopportunities for machine learning. Many books and manuals are beginning to actively appear on this topic,” – the developers say, – “Quantum Machine Learning (QML) provides new perspectives in modeling [neural networks – approx. trans.], allowing you to work with multidimensional capabilities and improve the accuracy of models.”

Meaning to us

The fact that mastering quantum computingis actively pursued, brings us closer to a completely new stage of technology. If we disregard the benefits for science, then for us, mere mortals, ultra-fast computing will make tourist flights into space, cloud gaming without limits, ultra-fast Internet and other joys of life a reality.