Ideal conditions for the origin of life found on the moon of Saturn

According to scientists, the surface of Saturn's moon Titan is covered with organic hydrocarbons and icy

crust, under which the ocean is located at a depth of 100 km.

On the surface of Titan, liquid can definitely exist.under the ice shell. 

According to scientists, water from the bowels of Titan sometimes has to mix with hydrocarbons on the surface. This happens due to collisions with other bodies: then cracks are formed.

A temporary pool of warm water is formed in the crater formed by the impact of the cosmic body.According to the authors of the study, this factor could be a trigger for the emergence of the simplest living organisms. 

After simulating the impact that led to the formation of the Menrwa crater, experts came to the conclusion that this is possible.

Scientists believe that, following this scenario, ideal conditions for the origin of life should have formed on Titan. 

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