Intel expects component supply issues in Q3 2021

Intel is closely monitoring the situation in the technology industry and expectsProblems with the supply of equipment

The company's chief financial officer, George Davis, said that the shortage of components couldAccording to him, during this period they mayThere will be "acute" supply problems.

His statement is not surprising, since the crisis is alreadyaffected most of the leading equipment manufacturers. According to the head of Intel, the shortage of chips can last for years. The current outlook for another important person in the company’s structure is short-term, but based on the same concerns.

Intel's CFO warned investorsthat the current situation may reduce the revenue of the Client Computing Croup division in the coming months. Many Intel customers will be hit hard in July-September. According to George Davis, the recovery of data centers will continue in the third quarter.

The company will focus on the production of serverarchitectures as they offer the best income opportunities. Intel has limited capabilities and, logically, will focus on building hardware that can lead to more profit.

The most serious problem is the presenceinsufficient quantities of Ajinomoto ABF substrates, which limits overall production. It will be very difficult to supply from outside manufacturers, which is likely to make the situation worse. Substrates – the main component of processors in all product categories of the company.

Intel's CFO also hopes to getmore components in the fourth quarter to adequately meet the strong demand during this period. There is no information on a possible slowdown on the 12th generation processors, and the Alder Lake chips are expected to be officially unveiled in October.

Cover: Christian Wiediger

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