Intel will produce MediaTek processors

MediaTek is one of the largest developers of processors, whose chips form the basis of two billion annually

However, it does not have its own production facilities, and produces almost all chipsDespite the highest level of technology, the Taiwanese company no longer looks likea very reliable partner: the demand for its services exceeds the supply, and TSMC is not always able toNow this problem has been partially solved - MediaTek has become a client of Intel Foundry Services, a division of Intel engaged in the production of third-party chipsets at the facilities of the Californian giant.

Intel received a verya large customer who will be able to load both existing and planned capacities with work. In turn, MediaTek receives "geographical diversification": if earlier all the company's processors were produced on one island, then Intel's factories are scattered all over the world, including the USA and Europe. What kind of chips for MediaTek will be produced by Intel is still unknown - in a press release, the company limited itself to the wording "different chips for different smart edge devices" (some IoT gadgets are called edge devices, but it is not clear whether Intel and MediaTek mean this). How do you think the partnership will affect the prices and quality of MediaTek products?

    © Ilya Nerybov.

    According to Intel