IOS 10.3.3 jailbreak news for 64-bit iPhone and iPad

More news has emerged about jailbreaking for 64-bit devices running iOS 10.3.x. Developer PsychoTea shared

screenshots and information about your work.

The developer confirmed that significantlyadvanced in his work and solved several problems, including creating AMFI patches and bypassing iOS 10.3.x protection. This means that he managed to get SSH up and running, as seen in the screenshots below.

The jailbreak for 64-bit devices with iOS 10.3.x is still quite a long way off, but a huge step forward was made.

According to PsychoTea, jailbreak iOS 10.3.x for 64-bit devices "at the same stage as iOS 11 jailbreak." We have to wait until Jay Freeman updates Cydia and Cydia Substrate. When this happens, the developer promises that the jailbreak will not have to wait long.

The developer chose the same strategy asJonathan Levine with iOS 11, and answered all the basic questions regarding his work. For the work done, we can thank the hackers xerub, nullpixel, stek, and S1guza, who discovered the v0rtex exploit.

Jailbreak has already taken partMany people. The developer said that now he is the only person who continues to work on jailbreak iOS 10.3.x for 64-bit devices. Over the support for 32-bit devices, the tihmstar hacker works.