James Webb telescope detects water vapor and clouds on a hot exoplanet

Космический телескоп «Джеймс Уэбб» зафиксировал отчетливые следы воды, а также свидетельства наличия

clouds and haze in the atmosphere surrounding the hot gas giant planet WASP-96 b.

The composition of the atmosphere was determined thanks toexceptional sensitivity of the space telescope instruments, the European Space Agency notes. In their work, the scientists used data obtained by the Near-Infrared Imaging and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS). 

Transmission spectrum obtained from a single NIRISS observation. Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

The scientific instrument measured light from the WASP-96 system infor 6.4 hours as the planet moved around the star. The result was a light curve showing the overall dimming of starlight during transit, and a transmission spectrum showing the change in brightness of individual wavelengths of infrared light ranging from 0.6 to 2.8 microns. 

The light curve confirmed already known propertiesplanets: size and orbit of WASP-96 b. And besides, the study showed signs of water and haze in the atmosphere, as well as the existence of clouds. It was previously believed that they could not be on this planet.

The light curve of a planet passing in front of a star. Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

WASP-96 b is one of more than 5,000confirmed exoplanets found in the Milky Way. This massive gas giant is located about 1,150 light years from Earth. Its diameter is about 1.2 times that of Jupiter, and its mass is about half that of a solar system gas giant.

The distance between WASP-96 b and its star is nine times smaller than the distance between Mercury and the Sun. Not surprisingly, a "year" on this planet lasts 3.5 Earth days, and the temperature exceeds 500 °C.

Earlier, NASA presented the first image from the James Webb Telescope. The image of the massive galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 turned out to be the deepest image of the Universe to date.

Cover image: Engine House

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