Japan will test rainfall and tornado prediction technology 30 minutes before the start

The system will be engaged in predicting the so-called "guerrilla showers" - precipitation that is formed due to

For example, existing meteorological systems are not up to the task.

The system is developed by the NationalThe Institute of Information and Communication Technology of Japan (NICT), along with public and private companies. It is planned that it will be deployed for the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.

The Multi-Parameter Phased Array Weather Radar (MP-PAWR) can predict heavy rain and tornadoes 20 to 30 minutes in advanceThis will be done by a flat antenna that radiatesradio waves in a wider range than the bowl-shaped rotating antennas used in traditional radars.It is a combination of the MP radar, which allows you to observe the size of theraindrops, and a phased array radar that provides a three-dimensional scan of the cloud structure in about 30 seconds.

For the first time in history, Chinese engineerslaunched from the unmanned submersible ship rocket probe for meteorological observations. The device will allow to monitor the atmospheric phenomena in areas beyond the reach of other probes.