Japanese physicists have refuted Stephen Hawking's theory of the nature of dark matter.

Hawking's theory, first published in 1971, states that there is a group of black holes in the Universe,

appeared immediately after the Big Bang.In fact, they are dark matter. They have tiny sizes, but enormous weight, which, according to mathematical calculations, is now lacking in the Universe. According to Hawking's calculations, one dark hole of this type measuring 0.1 mm should weigh 67 quintillion tons.

As part of the study, scientists wanted to fixthe curvature of light from objects near which supermassive dark holes move. Scientists observed with a telescope for seven hours, but there was not a single change in the brightness of the stars due to passing by the black star.


In case Hawking's theory was correct, forFor seven hours, physicists could have recorded at least a thousand changes in the light of the stars, but scientists were able to detect only one such phenomenon. Accordingly, such primary black holes can constitute no more than 0.1% of the mass of all dark matter.