Leak: Possible Hogwarts Legacy Pre-Order Bonuses

Avalanche Software andWarner Bros. Gamesvery rarely delight fans with materials onHogwarts Legacy. A Reddit user didn't

wait by the sea for the weather and dug up information about the game in the HRML code of its website.

A man with the nickname opalelement declares from the thresholdthat I am not sure about the accuracy of the data found. In his opinion, the list may not be complete or even serve as a stub. If the materials wired into the source code of the site are still correct, the bonuses will include:

  • Jumper thestral
  • “Dark Arts” Cosmetic Set
  • Battle Arena “Dark Arts”
  • Hat “Dark Arts”
  • Kelpie Cape
  • Access to the game 72 hours before the official start
  • steelbook
  • Replicas of a magic wand and book

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The user notices that the marks&#8220;Digital edition&#8221; and &#8220;Digital Deluxe Edition&#8221; appear separately in the code. Therefore, it is difficult to understand which of the listed bonuses belong where. Moreover, the last two points make it clear thatHogwarts LegacyIt will also be available on physical media.

&#8220;Hogwarts Legacy&#8221; getting ready to go outPC,Playstation,XboxAndNintendo Switchat the end of 2022.