LG wants to produce washing machines and other smart household appliances that will monitor the owner’s sleep

LG Electronics has announced a collaboration with South Korean startup Asleep, which is developing

technologies for tracking sleep. The result of this cooperation should be smart household appliances with the function of detecting the sleep of its owner.

What does it mean

Asleep company created technology based onartificial intelligence, which she says can diagnose a person's sleep stage based only on the sound of their breathing. It can even determine the stages: wakefulness, light, deep and REM sleep. This does not require human interaction - just a microphone on any device.

LG said that the goal of the partnership with Asleepis to research and develop products that integrate with its sleep diagnostic technology. As a result, technology will be able to detect when users are sleeping and adjust their settings accordingly. For example, an air purifier can switch to sleep mode, and a washing machine does not make sounds when the wash is finished, but independently switches to the “care of laundry after finishing” function.

Asleep said its sleep diagnostic technologycan be integrated into home appliances using the Sleeptrack application programming interface, which will be unveiled at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas next month. There, LG and Asleep will demonstrate a smart bedroom environment with a variety of technology applications.