Look at a shark with an alien appearance: it is considered the main “badass” of the ocean

These individuals are known for tearing small pieces out of sharks and whales that are much larger than themselves.

flesh. A new study has found that they actually terrorize animals of all sizes.

Green-eyed sharks that look like aliensgrow to a maximum of 50 centimeters in length. These strange creatures use pointed teeth to feed on great white sharks that are 10 times their size. They have also been known to bite off chunks of human flesh. For their behavior they received the nickname of the main “bullies of the ocean.”

Scientists have often observed the marks of these sharks onlarger animals and therefore assumed that they feed only on relatives that are larger than them. New research has found that they also eat animals that are at the bottom of the food chain. Scientists note that this gives them a unique role in the ocean ecosystem. 

“They feed on everything from the largest and toughesttop predators - such as white sharks and killer whales - to any small organisms you can imagine. - said Aaron Carlisle, lead author of the study and assistant professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Delaware. This is stated in the statement "There are not many animals that do something like this."

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