Look at the 140-megapixel portrait of the Sun to scale: it is made from 90,000 frames

Famous amateur astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy teamed up with Jason Hansel and made a new one

McCarthy posted a 140-megapixel portrait of the Sun on social media.In total, it is made up of 90,000 images, which were taken by photographers over the course of five days.

Photo: Andrew McCarthy

 "My friend @TheVastReaches and I have been working hard for the past 5 days to create this incredibly detailed 140-megapixel image," he writesAs the astrophographer said, the purpose of his work is to illustrate "how amazingly dynamic and beautiful can beTo fully enjoy the shot, McCarthy suggestsZoom in on the image.

Photo: Andrew McCarthy

In the photo below you can see a huge vortex-shaped prominence. In fact, its length was 120,000 km, which is almost ten times the diameter of the Earth or the diameter of Saturn.

Photo: Andrew McCarthy

Andrew McCarthy is not a professional photographer;  He works in sales and business operations for a software company. His astrophotography is a hobby he pursues in the backyard of his home in Sacramento, California. 

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