Look at the miniature robops: it costs several times cheaper than other models

Luwu Intelligent Technology, a subsidiary of Harbin Institute of Technology, is developing a desktop

robopsa XGO 2. The peculiarity of the model is not only its miniature size, but also its relatively affordable price.

The open source XGO 2 robot cancontrol remotely in real time via the application. It can also be pre-programmed. The model uses the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 processor and is compatible with the Blockly, Python and ROS programming languages.

Robot XGO 2. Photo: Luwu Intelligent Technology

Integrated artificial intelligence moduleshelp the robot hear and recognize the user, and also respond to him, “just like a real dog,” the developers write. XGO 2 can also walk and run freely at different speeds. Additionally, it remains stable on uneven or moving surfaces. One charge of the XGO 2 lithium battery should last approximately two hours.

On the robot's head there is a camera, microphone, speaker,LCD screen and control buttons. They can be used for basic programming and to switch operating modes of XGO 2. They also display an animated face on the screen, which gives the robot “a little personality.”

XGO 2 is offered in two models - Mini(standard size) and Lite. Targeted retail prices are $1,398 and $898, respectively, with pledge amounts currently on Kickstarter at $449 and $749.

In 2020, Boston Dynamics officially announced the sale of the four-legged robot Spot, the price was $74,500.

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