Looking Glass makes a 3D image out of any photo

To create holograms, the company uses machine learning technology: the equipment scans

photographs, measures angles and reflective light, and then creates a three-dimensional 3D image. 

The idea that any 2D photograph can bemaking a holographic image has been discussed in research groups for many years. We have created a service that anyone can use to turn a photo into a hologram. 

Sean Frain, CEO of Looking Glass Factory

According to the developers, it has noIt doesn't matter what device the original photo was taken with - it can be a professional DSLR camera or a regular smartphone. It can even be a scan of an old photograph or a drawing from a book. The only caveat - to display the hologram itself, you still need a special device like Portrait or the like.

The service should be launched this spring atas a premium feature in the HoloPlay Studio software suite, while converting takes seconds and does not require programming knowledge. You can use the function for $ 350. The cost of converting photos will be $ 20 per 100 pieces.

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