Massage table. Gentle robot hands.

At CES 2022 they showed what we were all waiting for. Autonomous robot massage therapist Massage Robotics is a high-tech

a table with two manipulators hanging over it and artificial intelligence from the cloud.

Robot hands can change their ownmassage nozzles, and thanks to AI, the machine has the ability to hear the user's voice commands and, following them, adjust the pressure force and direction of movement. You can store your favorite treatment options in the cloud and share them with your friends. It is assumed that they also have such masseurs.

True, this pleasure is not for the poor.The manufacturer has not yet announced the price, but some sources put the amount at $310,000. The intelligent massage therapist will go on sale in the second quarter of 2022.

The company claims that its product is much better than a human massage therapist because he (or she?):
– never gets tired
– will not infect with coronavirus
– won't bother

The last point is debatable.For some buyers, this may be more of a disadvantage than an advantage. However, nothing prevents you from customizing your favorite program in accordance with certain preferences. The presence of a robotic arm at the massage table provides rich food for imagination, not like a massage chair. Pelevin's iPhuck 10 is still far away, but progress is clearly moving in the right direction.