Mastercard will start accepting payments in cryptocurrency from 2021

Right now, we're preparing for the future of cryptocurrency and payments by announcing that this year Mastercard will begin

support some cryptocurrencies directly on our network. 

Raj Damodaran, executive vice president of digital assets, blockchain technologies and partnerships

At the same time, he stressed that the payment system does not plan to support all existing cryptocurrencies and intends to use stablecoins, which are backed by real assets.

According to Damodran, this is, first of all,about stablecoins - this is a cryptocurrency backed by real assets, since Mastercard focuses on stable transactions rather than investments. 

The company intends to service operations not with all cryptocurrencies existing today, without specifying what specific cryptocurrencies are in question.

The company added that it will ensure consumer privacy at the same level that "people expect from their credit cards."

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