Microsoft banned April Fools jokes to their employees

Tomorrow will be April 1 - April Fool's Day in many countries. Every year, IT companies take pleasure in trolling

journalists and their users, sendingcomic press releases or frivolous posts on social networks. But this year, Microsoft, which has always actively participated in April Fools' Day, decided to abandon April Fool's jokes.

What happened

Microsoft Marketing Director Chris Capossela(Chris Capossela) sent a letter to employees asking them to opt out of the April 1st drawings. Of course, no one forbids them to laugh at friends and relatives, but any pranks or jokes in public are prohibited.

Chris Capossela explained that, according to statistics,such jokes have limited positive effect. “I appreciate that people spend their time and energy preparing for this day, but I believe we have more to lose than we gain by trying to be funny on this day. It's that time of year when tech companies try to express their creativity with pranks. Sometimes the results are funny, and sometimes they are not. In any case, the data tells us that these jokes have limited positive impact and may actually lead to unwanted news online,” the marketing director emphasized.

Let's remember that on April 1, 2013 Microsoft changeddesign of the proprietary search engine Bing, and for a day it became similar to Google. And in 2015, the company allegedly released an MS-DOS emulator for the Windows Phone mobile operating system.