Miracle did not happen: the store of sanctions goods CDEK faced a wave of criticism

Back in May, CDEK announced the launch of the CDEK online platform. Shopping, where you can order sanctioned goods, including

However, a month later, the whole idea turned out to be a little "murky", because many customers did not receive anything.There was a big article about this on Mobile-Review.

In his material, the editor-in-chief of Mobile-Review EldarMurtazin spoke about the problems that people may face if they want to make a purchase on CDEK.Shopping. To begin with, it is worth noting that CDEK.Shopping has disclaimed any responsibility for any problems that customers may encounter, they say, the site initially did not give guarantees either on delivery time or on the quality of the goods. And it still can't be returned.

Well, a month is not so long, with Aliexpress ordersometimes you can wait for several months. However, according to Murtazin, some user products did not even leave the countries of purchase, including the UAE, Finland and others. In these cases, CDEK refers to logistical difficulties, such as customs clearance problems or payment restrictions.

It is noted that the majority of clients at the same timethere is not even an approximate delivery time for the goods, which is probably not very pleasant, given the maximum delivery time, which is not specified in the service rules.

According to Murtazin, CDEK.Shopping has already received at least 1.3 billion rubles for all “sold” goods.