MIT engineers create programmable digital fiber with AI, memory and sensors

MIT engineers have created the first digitally capable fiber capable of sensing, storing,

analyze and determine user activity.

To create the new fiber, scientists took a hundred square silicon microchips with digital chips into a preform. It was then used to create polymer fiber. 

The fiber itself is thin and flexible, it can be sewn into fabric and washed at least 10 times. According to the authors of the development, it is not felt at all when worn.

Digital fiber stores a large amount of memoryinformation. During the study, the scientists recorded, stored and read information from the fiber, including a 767-kilobit full-color short video file and a 0.48-megabyte music file. Files are stored in fiber memory for two months without power.

According to the researchers, adding to fiberthe artificial intelligence component further enhances its capabilities. Tissues with digital components can collect a lot of information throughout the body over time, and this data is ideal for machine learning algorithms.

“This type of tissue will provide quantitative and qualitative data from open sources to extract new body models that we did not know about before,” the authors of the development conclude.

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