Mother faked erotic videos to frame her daughter's enemies

A Pennsylvania woman made a deepfake video of her daughter's enemies committing

obscene actions.

The Bucks County District Attorney's Office said,that 50-year-old Raffaela Spone last year created a series of fake videos and photographs of three girls drinking, smoking and being naked. Spone's daughter was a member of the same cheerleading squad. They reportedly did not have a very good relationship.

The woman sent these photos and videos to the girls with messages in which she urged them to commit suicide. Spone has already been arrested, and her trial is scheduled to take place on March 30. The lady is accused of cyberharassment of children.

It is noted that about the deepfake videos to the policereported by the parents of the victims. Specialists were able to trace Spone's IP address and found evidence of the crime on her. The woman's daughter allegedly did not know what her mother was doing.