Mysterious 'blue goo' at the bottom of the sea baffles scientists

Unidentified blue-colored deep-sea “sticky” creatures have surprised scientists. Mysterious "drops"

discovered on the seabed in the Caribbean Sea. Duringlive broadcastmembers of the expedition discussed what these cloudy globules could be, but none of the researchers could give a definite answer.

Several blue sticky creatures are scientists,ROV operators discovered it near St. Croix, one of the US Virgin Islands. They lay motionless on the seabed at depths ranging from 407 to 611 meters below the surface of the water.

Unidentified organism. Photo: NOAA

The researchers piloted the ROV fromThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) research vessel Okeanos Explorer has spent the last four months exploring sections of the North Atlantic as part of the Journey to the Ridge 2022 research series. As with every dive on these expeditions, NOAA broadcast the footage live.

During the live broadcast, researchers noticedand zoomed in on one of the unusual blue creatures and began discussing what it could be. Some observers noted that it was likely either a soft coral or a sponge, and possibly even a tunicate. They are gelatinous marine invertebrates sometimes called ascidians. The team suggested several possible nicknames, including "bumpy blue thing", "blue biomat" and "blue slime". However, they still did not understand what exactly it was.

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Cover photo: Anemones on the seafloor, NOAA